Barbering Course
BARBER COURSE OUTLINE (1,200 clock hours)
Course Description: The Barber course requires the satisfactory completion of 1200
hours of training. The course is designed to train the student in the basic manipulative
skills, safety judgments, proper work habits, business skills, and desirable attitudes
necessary to obtain licensure and for competency in job entry-level positions in
Objective: Upon completion of the course requirements, the determined graduate will be
able to:
1. Project a positive attitude and a sense of personal integrity and self-confidence.
2. Project professionalism, visual poise, and proper grooming.
3. Communicate effectively and interact appropriately with colleagues, supervisors, and
4. Respect the need to deliver worthy service for value received in an employment
5. Perform the basic manipulative skills in the areas of hair cutting and shaving.
6. Perform the basic analytical skills to advise clients in the total look concept.
7. Apply academic learning, technical information and related matter to assure sound
judgments, decisions, and procedures.
The barbering course will provide students with the information needed to pass the state
licensure exam as well as the most contemporary techniques to ensure success on the
Course Number Course Title Clock Hours
Bar 101 Florida Laws and HIV/AIDS 150
Bar 102 Safety, Sanitation, and Sterilization 325
Bar 103 Hair Structure and Chemistry 50
Bar 104 Haircutting 200
Bar 105 Shampooing 75
Bar 106 Chemical Services 350
Bar 107 Shaving, Beard & Mustache Trimming 50
Note: Clock hours are the total of actual hours per week a student spends attending class or other
instructional activities that count toward completing the Barbering course
Course Numbering System: Prefix Level Course Number
Bar 101
The Prefix “Bar” is short for the Barber program, Level in the course description represents
the only program currently being offered by the institution and the Course Number is the
order that which the courses are taken. For example: (Bar 108) would be the eighth Barbering
course if there were an eight-course.
Curriculum & Course Description: The barber curriculum according to Florida
State Board of Barber is as follows:
1. Florida Laws and HIV/AIDS 150 Clock Hours
Give students awareness of the spread of infectious diseases, such as HIV and AIDS, and
what measures can be taken to control infection. The student will identify the main
objectives of the Florida Barber/Stylist licensing laws, discuss state board rules and
regulations, understand the purpose of inspectors and prepare for state board exams.
2. Safety, Sanitation and Sterilization 325 Clock Hours
Explain and understand the importance of decontamination and methods of
decontamination in the barbershop.
3. Hair Structure and Chemistry 50 Clock Hours
Students will define organic and inorganic chemistry and demonstrate an understanding
of the organs and systems of the body and structure of the hair and how they function.
4. Hair Cutting 200 Clock Hours
The student learns all necessary techniques of hair cutting, including but not limited to,
taper cuts, fades, flat tops, and standard haircuts using scissor over comb, clipper over
comb, and freehand techniques. Students will also demonstrate style outs including blow-
5. Shampooing 75 Clock Hours
The student learns about types of shampoos, selection of proper shampoos based on
client’s needs and the proper techniques of shampooing and rinsing. The student practices
these techniques on mannequins and customers on the clinic floor under an instructor's
6. Chemical Services as follows: 350 Clock Hours
Students will practice the application of chemical services, including but not limited to,
permanent waving, coloring or bleaching, hair relaxing, and curling on mannequins and
customers under the supervision of an instructor. Students will learn all phases of
permanent waving and relaxing techniques, including customer consultation on rod sizes
and perm selection. Topics also covered in this course include an introduction to
coloring, classifications of hair coloring, preparation and application of permanent, semi-
permanent rinses and bleaches. Students will also learn cleansing with a suitable
shampoo and massaging with hands or electrical appliances, which include an electric
steamer, infrared lamp, ultraviolet lamp, and thermal lamp.
7. Shaving, Beard and Mustache Trimming 50 Clock Hours
Students will practice all areas of shaving techniques including softening of beard and
applications of massage cream and tonics. The student will learn all fourteen standard
positions and strokes.